By 2050, the demand for food will raise to 70% in line with the fast growing population. A UN study found that about 9.9% of the world’s population still goes hungry, so the thought of feeding almost 10 billion mouths is a doubting possibilitie. With environmental changes hard to predict, and numerous human degradation there is need to turn to innovation in agriculture technology.

Nine agricultural innovation that will bring about stioendious changes and the enablement to provide for the ever growing population 

1.Precision Agriculture

This innovation in agriculture technology uses big data to aid management decisions, enabling farmers to control crop yield variables like moisture level, soil condition, and microclimates to maximize output. It relies on remote sensing systems, drones, robotics, and automation to improve crop health and optimize agricultural resources, lead to more productivity 

2. Indoor Vertical Farming
This farming innovation does not require soil it invoke the growing of food crop in a confine area which is carefully monitored Ina close environment it include aeroponics and hydroponics 

Hydroponics is a gardening practice that grows plants in water and nutrient solutions.

Aeroponics suspends the roots of the crops in the air, with emitters intermittently spraying them with water and nutrients.

3.Livestock Farming Technology
It involves the use of data-driven insight, which allow the farmer to effectively manage which improve farm practice and increase productivity.

Here are some of the many innovations redefining livestock farming:

Automated dairy installations milk cows automatically without human intervention, and the milk sensors also help farmers monitor the milk quality.

Automated cleaning systems remove waste, enabling cleaner as disease-free environments.

Armenta’s non-antibiotic treatment uses acoustic pulse technology (APT) for bovine mastitis, a cow disease responsible for over $6 billion annual losses in the U.S. and Europe.

Automated feeder systems provide animals with feeding mixtures tailored to their specific needs and in the right amount.

Faromatics employs robotics, A.I., and big data to increase animal welfare and farm productivity.

4.Laser Scarecrows
This innovation reduces crop damage made by birds, in the past local scarecrow are use to scare wondering hungry birds and rodent but today high devices with sensors monitor the direction of the bird and project green light towards them this was possible because of the discovering that birds are sensitive to green colour 

5 Farm Automation.

Reduced labor time, higher yields, and the efficient use of resources are driving the large-scale adoption of the technology. Farmers now use automated harvesters, drones, autonomous tractors, seeding, and weeding to transform how they cultivate their crops. The technology takes care of menial and recurring tasks, allowing them to focus on more critical functions.

6. Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Technology

RTK technology can provide centimeter-level accuracy, which enables farmers to accurately map their fields and constrain vehicles permanently on the same lane. It transmits the correct positioning information to tractors by radio signal, allowing them to stay on track while moving. This innovation boosts soil health and productivity, increasing output with less input.

7. Minichromosome Technology
In short, minichromosome technology allows genetic engineers to create crops that require fewer pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers, reducing reliance on harmful chemicals. It also lets them achieve bio-fortification and enhance a plant’s nutritional content.

8. Farm Management Software
Farm management software is an integrated platform that provides real-time data and information, like a digital checklist, to assist farmers with tracking daily activities. With this monitoring and reporting software, farmers can improve decision-making throughout all operations.

9.Water Management Technology

This innovation allow the farmer to apply different and new irrigational system to farming practices which allow the use of effective water manangement and providing water to drylands that usually have insufficient rainfall in order to make them arable.

This innovations control overwatering plants which affect their growth and could also carry excess fertilizers into streams and lakes, contaminating freshwater sources which increases crop quality 

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