Things to know before setting a goat farm

Starting a goat farm 

Goat are profitable and a productive business to vent into as a farmer or additional income value 
In goat farm you can get the milk the meat and also train and sell them when they are mature

Things to know about goat farm 

Baby goats are kids, males are bucks, females are does and neutered males are wethers.

1.If they like you and trust you, they will respond to your voice and come when called. They will also call out to you when they see you. But you will have to earn their love and trust.

2.If you are ready to start a little herd get atleast two goat. Two does or a doe and a wether (a neutered male goat) or a buck and a doe,  it is not adviceable to have one goat. A lonely goat will destroy your garden, and sit on your porch or escape. A lonely goat will be a noisy goat, because they will call for a companion.

3.Goats do not do well in wet, swampy areas and will stay out of or jump over any puddles. You need to provide them with ample dry shelter and dry paddocks or pasture before you bring goats onto your farm.

4.They preferred bushes trees and hay over grass 

5.They eat alot a hungry goat will eat things it is not supposed to eat and you will have trouble. By the way, anything the goat eats, will impart a unique flavor on the milk

6.Goats, will not move away from pressure, they move into it.

7.Goat peck on lesser goat and also head-butt eachother especially newly introduced goat , if you can introduce two or keep goat of the same size 

8.Disbuddement- removing of the horn of goat should be done at a early tendered age this should be done so as to protect other goat especially during head-butting 

9.Goats get sick easy and die fast-Wild weather or outdoor temperature fluctuations, a goat getting really wet or not having protection from the wind, or stress from being transported makes them more susceptible to pneumonia in goats and other types of problems. Of course, they can pick up bacterial and viral lung issues from exhibitions 

10.wolves, coyotes, dogs, foxes, bears, eagles, and even mountain lions are goat predators they varies depending on the environment humans too are goat enemy

Preparation of goat

It can be prepared in many ways: it can be curried, grilled, stewed, baked, minced, fried, canned, barbecued, and can also be made into sausage. When cooked slowly over low heat with sufficient water, the meat becomes tender and tastes scrumptious. 

Preparation of goat

1.It contains high amounts of iron-Iron is a major component of hemoglobin, a type of protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to all parts of the body.

2.It contains high levels of vitamin B12 which helps 
plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA, the molecules inside cells that carry genetic information

3.Goat can be consumed regularly it contain low level of cholesterol it is better to consumed goat than chicken beef etcregularly

4.It contain protein that suppress hunger and appetite 

5.It contain protein that helps in repairing damage tissues and also building of bones, skin, muscles and blood 

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