Agriculture is involved in every aspect of our lifes, the substantial the content of living have about 75 percentage of agriculture, we eat we work we live we sleep we know we live whatever we do have agood content in Agriculture 

Look around everything you see the building the house the cars the clothes everything you see all started from somewhere the origin of everything started from Agriculture from human civilization to human sustainability . 
Those days we use to think Agriculture is limited to farming it a dirty job you are only rich when you work in banks and all other good white collar jobs while the poor ones works in farm if you still think like this you need to read through this article 

The importance of agriculture cannot be underestimated without agriculture there will be no life-no urge for civilization no food no clothes to put nothing everything will be choastic living 

Agriculture brought orderliness if you think the world just got to the point at a time nahh agric practices from scratch brought the systematic living of life without Agriculture there will be no ordeiness that what build our cognitive skills over time and it makes us different from all other species on Earth 


Human body needs food to grow just as any other organisms in the world it is what we eat that form our physical body our body is the accumulation of what we have been eating over time. Every body eat food whether male or female black or white eat something  you need food without agriculture there can not be food for anyone to eat anyone that donnot eat food will shrink and die with time so food is important 

food don't fall from the from the sky they grow from the ground we won't eat grass or tear animal alive nooh we wont different people find nourishment in different things meanwhile not every feed is consumeable there are ones for food for medicine for clothing for shelther so on these feeds plants and animals are seperated from each other through agricultural practices 

Agriculture provides endless opportunities to provides weaith for a country for a state a community and individual respectively. Whichever way an individual decides to go base on environmental friendly he or she with the right focus can make endless income for himself and his family. Farming fishery wildlife animal husbandry agronomy floriculture are different aspect that generate income to people nation's all over the world 

 This subject emolye more personnel in the field than any other sector it emoloy people to work on manchines that work on farm employee people that work in carrying the product markerters product manager product branders researchers so on thousands of them from organising practising and the willing of the items it a good field to vent in cause it open the mind to so many information about the world 

Source of raw materials 

There are three type of raw materials in Agriculture 
Animal raw material 
Plant raw material 
Mining based raw materials 

Animals raw materials like meat milk wool, sil which are used for human consumptikn. Silk for making cloth 
Wool for making cloth 

Plants raw materials includes wood vegetables , flowers 

Woods which are then use for construction purposes 

Flowers for decoration 

Mining based raw materials : includes crude oil , coal, tin ore 

Crude oil for making petroleum bitumen and for construction and also for making synthetic rubber 

Tin ore for making metals 

Coal for heating 

Agriculture brought about civilization brought continuity of human living human urge to know brought about different branches of life . Argueable the basic of living should be Stan important 

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